2023 April 11 | SingCham Tech Tuesday


On April 11 2023, SingCham Shanghai held the 18th edition of our signature event Tech Tuesday titled "AIGC, ChatGPT and its Impact on Jobs and Businesses". The hybrid event featured 6 speakers with impressive portfolios spanning across commercial (SenseTime, Microsoft, Alibaba Cloud International), legal (Google Shanghai) and academia & research (BCG & NYU Shanghai, CEIBS). This event attracted a remarkable turnout of 140 on-site and online attendees, making it the biggest Tech Tuesday since the inception of the series.


With the proliferation of innovative Generative AI such as AIGC, ChatGPT, Dall-E, Bard and Stable Diffusion, there is a clear sign of heightened interest regarding the utilisation of these technological solutions from both businesses and individuals. The emergence and quick take-up of this new wave of advanced tools provokes further thinking. What is the extent of their capabilities? What are some potential risks and concerns surrounding their usage? More importantly, how will these tools play a part in shaping the future, particularly for work and business?

随着AIGCChatGPTDall-EBardStable Diffusion等创新的生成性人工智能的兴起,无论是企业或个人,都对这些技术解决方案的利用表露出浓厚的兴趣。此类既新潮又先进工具的出现和迅速普及引发了进一步的思考。它们的能力范围和上限如何?围绕它们的使用,有哪些潜在的风险和担忧?更重要的是,这些工具将如何影响未来走势,特别是针对工作和企业的发展?


SingCham Shanghai Vice-Chairman Mr. Henry Cheng gave an opening address, where he shared about SingCham Shanghai, its milestones and its wide range of business and social events.



SingCham Shanghai Vice-Chairman Mr. Henry Cheng

Dr. James Ong, Head of the Technology and Innovation Working Group, then gave an overview of the signature Tech Tuesday series, and expressed appreciation towards our co-organisers, sponsor, supporting organisations and community partners. He also kickstarted the discussion by providing some background about the topic. He outlined the history of AI, explained how it underwent 3 “booms” and 2 “winters” before today’s buzz on AIGC, and illustrated the concept of Large Language Model (LLM) that enables fascinating technology like ChatGPT.



Dr. James Ong, Head of the Technology and Innovation Working Group



This is immediately followed by in-depth presentations from three of the leading AIGC technology provider, i.e. SenseTime, Microsoft and Alibaba Cloud, where they provided an overview of the latest AI developments from their own unique perspective.


Mr. Ben Tian covered the topic "AIGC Era: Imagination is More Important than Knowledge", illustrating the new paradigm of Sensetime's new INTERN 2.5 open source Foundation Model and the vast possibilities it presents in scenarios like autonomous driving, home service robots, text-to-picture & picture-to-text generation, and search by text functions. The Foundation Model built upon 80% AI foundation model and 20% prompt engineering/business logic is expected to form the basis for domain models and Industry Model encompassing projects like Smart Cities, Smart Cars and even the Metaverse.

田丰先生就 AIGC时代: 想象力比知识更重要”的主题,阐述了商汤新推出的INTERN 2.5开源基础模型的新模式,以及它在自动驾驶、家庭服务机器人、文本到图片和图片到文本的生成以及文本搜索功能等场景中的巨大可能性。该基础模型建立在80%的人工智能基础模型和20%的提示工程/商业逻辑之上,预计将成为涵盖智能城市、智能汽车甚至Metaverse等项目的领域模型和产业模型的基础。


Mr. Ben Tian, China Secretary-General at Tech4SDG Alliance for Asia


Dr. Xu Mingqiang then shared on "Future AIGC Trend and Azure Open AI for Enterprise". The emergence of Foundation Models signals the transition from "Information Technology Age" to "Intelligence Age", where weaknesses of traditional model deployment like high cost and low efficiency can be overcome. Tools like GPT-4, Codex and DALL-E are able to generate and understand text, code and images, and can be applied in content generation, information mining and processing, and other cognitive services.

随后,徐明强博士就“未来AIGC趋势和Azure企业开放AI”进行了分享。基础模型的出现预示着从 "信息技术时代 ""智能时代 "的过渡,传统模型部署的高成本和低效率等弱点可以被克服。GPT-4CodexDALL-E等工具能够生成和理解文本、代码和图像,并可应用于内容生成、信息挖掘和处理以及其他认知服务。


Dr. Xu Mingqiang, CTO at One Commercial Partner, Greater China Region, Microsoft

徐明强博士, 微软全渠道事业部首席技术官


Next, Mr. Guo Dongliang presented on "Alibaba Cloud Generative AI" and outlined the potential of Generative AI. The mainstream Discriminant AI present today is able to aid humans in completing tasks like prediction and demand planning. Generative AI disrupts the existing norm by its ability to deliver artifacts without the reliance on human experience and thought processes. Alibaba Cloud has a comprehensive suite of such Generative AI offerings, such as Large Language Model "通义千问", Intelligent Computing AI Acceleration PAI LINGJUN, Alibaba MaaS (Model as a Service), M6-OFA, AliceMind and Composer. These offerings revolutionise content generation, as content is no longer "recommended for you", but rather "generated for you"; and also impact areas like industrial design.

接下来,郭东亮先生介绍了“阿里云生成性人工智能”,表明了生成性人工智能的潜力。目前主流的判别式人工智能能够帮助人类完成预测和需求计划等任务,而生成式人工智能颠覆了现有的规范,它有能力在不依赖人类经验和思维过程的情况下提供结果。阿里云有一套全面的生成性人工智能产品,如大型语言模型“通义千问”、智能计算人工智能加速器PAI LINGJUN、阿里巴巴MaaS、M6-OFA、AliceMind和Composer。这些产品彻底改变了内容生成的范式,因为内容不再是“为你推荐”,而是“为你生成”;这些技术同时也影响了工业设计等领域。在这一系列富有启发性的演讲之后,开启了由翁家良博士主持、法律界和学术界的专家加持的小组讨论。


Mr. Guo Dongliang, Head of Data Intelligence at Alibaba Cloud International



The illuminating presentations were followed by a panel discussion featuring experts in the legal and academic sectors, moderated by Dr. James Ong.


The panel discussed a wide range of topics from their own viewpoints on the AIGC trends, the impact of generative AI on jobs and businesses in the speakers' respective domains, the opportunities and challenges, and where AI will be heading next in the future.


Dr. Liao Ming mentioned the affordability and resourcefulness of generative AI, and how there should be readiness and urgency in the uptake of it for organisations to embrace AIGC for strategic transformation.


Dr. Liao Ming, VP of Data Science at BCG


Mr. Yao Di  talked about the irreplaceability of human expertise in the legal sector, and also potential risks on the usage of generative AI, such as copyright issues in data training processes and the implications of new regulations on AIGC.



Mr. Yao Di, Head of Legal at Google Shanghai, Google Ruoshui Group Lead


Dr. Viktar Fedaseyeu affirms the benefits of generative AI, in the sense that it can help enhance the quality of output and elevate the human’s potential.

Viktar Fedaseyeu 博士肯定了生成性人工智能的好处,认为它可以帮助提高经济产出的质量,从而提升人类的潜力。

Dr. Viktar Fedaseyeu, Associate Professor of Finance at CEIBS

Viktar Fedaseyeu博士, 中欧国际工商学院


The attendees then grasped the opportunity to fire questions away at all six industry experts. The questions covered the following areas of concern:

  1. Environmental trade-offs, given the large power consumption of such operations

  2. Governance and legal issues, especially when it comes to cross-border data security and copyright issues

  3. Technicalities and constraints in data training practices

  4. The possibility of decentralisation for generative AI

  5. Concerns about lack of individualisation and differentiation, given the reliance on tools that may produce similar solutions



  1. 这种新兴科技的能耗和对环境的影响

  2. 治理和法律问题,特别是当涉及到跨境数据安全和版权问题时

  3. 数据培训实践中的技术问题和限制

  4. 生成式人工智能的下放的可能性(区块链等)

  5. 鉴于对有知识上限的工具的依赖,对未来可能出现知识成果缺乏个性化和差异化的担忧



Indeed, as we move into a new age brimming with unchartered disruption and possibilities, it is important for us to embrace uncertainties and adopt a growth mindset to keep up with the new normal. It is also imperative for us to keep in mind ethical and legal boundaries while utilising such tools to ensure its robustness and sustainability.


As an event to foster technology and innovation learning, sharing, exchange and collaboration, this 18th Tech Tuesday on “AIGC, ChatGPT and its Impact on Jobs and Businesses” held by SingCham Shanghai is significant as it is the first offline physical event held post-pandemic along Zoom live streaming, with such a huge turnout. Its purpose is to connect SingCham communities with the affiliated tech communities in China and also to Singapore, ASEAN and the rest of the world.






This event is made possible by joint efforts of our SingCham Shanghai executive management team of Catherine Thai and Jamie Yao and our Technology & Innovation Working Group volunteers Dr James Ong and Mr Herman Loo, our co-organisers WAIC (World AI Conference), Tech4SDG, Microsoft, Thai Chamber of Commerce in China, our sponsor ElementOne, our supporting organisations Singapore Global Network and Bridge+, as well as our community partners.





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Speaker Profiles/演讲者简介:









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